1. What is Going On:
Police, Firemen, EMS, Ambulance Drivers, Security Guards, Citizen Vigilantes - probably Our Neighborhood Watch Groups - are Gang Stalking average citizens.
2. The Tactic being Used Is Mobbing which is discussed in a new book by Oxford University Press: Mobbing Causes, Consequences and Solutions by Maureen Duffy and Len Sperry
The tactic is called mobbing/gang stalking.
3. What we are seeing is reminiscent of the blacklists of the McCarthy Era, RED Squads, and COINTELPRO.
4. George Bush rescinded anti-COINTELPRO legislation. Obama/Trump's Attorney Generals haven't written new Guidelines for the FBI opening the door for what we are seeing to continue.
5. The ACLU says illegal police surveillance is going on in over thirty states. What we are seeing is a national problem that requires investigation by our intelligence committees.
6. Bush in Operation Tips tried to get Neighborhood Watch Groups involved in the War on Terror. What we are seeing is their involvement in Government Gang Stalking - that has nothing to do with terrorism, but rather, is an egregious abuse of government power.
7. The FBI is known for its use of conspicuous surveillance and that is what we are seeing where not only First Responders and Security Guards are Gang Stalking citizens, but also, Neighborhood Watch Groups using RED cars, RED trucks, wearing or carrying RED.
8. Colonel Anthony Shaffer who wrote Operation Dark Heart told Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch that our Government uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming in its PSY-OPS program. One question the intelligence committees need to ask is why did so many firemen after 9/11 – who Gang Stalk – sign up for Neuro-Linguistic Programming Workshops where Anchoring – the technique that forms the core of Government Gang Stalking – is taught.
9. Techniques used in Government Gang Stalking are constant conspicuous surveillance, Shunning where neighbors are elicited to Gang Stalk to socially isolate targeted citizens, NOISE to harass using power equipment, BEEPING, Siren Sounds, setting off alarms, mobbing in the targeted citizens workplace, even intimidation with dogs. This is a program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT reminiscent of the Stasi in East Germany.
10. Video evidence of Government Gang Stalking can be found here.
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