Congressman Jordan: Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier? Did the FBI pay the guy who wrote the dossier, at the same time that we know the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee were paying Fusion GPS to put together the dossier as well?
Congressman Jordan: It’s been reported that the FBI did. More importantly if the dossier. If they turned an Op-O Research National Enquirer Type report into an intelligence document, took that to a FISA court in front of a Federal Judge and persuaded him that it was real intelligence and that became the basis for spying on people associated with the Trump campaign THAT IS NOT SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN IN THIS COUNTRY (you don’t say – neither is a person suppose to be Gang Stalked for over a decade because of a personal vendetta of a sociopath fireman neighbor and friends – there are lots of things happening in America – that are not suppose to happen in this country).
Judge Jeanine: We have the Clinton campaign, the DNC sending money to Perkins Coie who sends money to Fusion GPS who then sends money to Christopher Steele. We know there are reports that not only did the FBI pay $50,000 to Steele, but that Steele provided information and worked with the FBI previously. Now if this is the basis for the FISA warrant, then WHAT WE HAVE IS A KANGAROO COURT. WE’VE GOT NOT JUST A PRIMARY ON THE DEMOCRATIC SIDE THAT WAS RIGGED, WE ALSO HAVE AN INVESTIGATION THAT IS RIGGED. How can we find out whether or not that Fusion Report and Christopher Steele’s dossier was the basis of a FISA warrant?
DeSantis: We need to get the President to declassify the applications that the FBI used in order to get this surveillance during the campaign and once we have that information, then we can know whether it was from the dossier or not.
DeSantis: Congress has been trying to get this from the FBI for months now. They have fought us tooth and nail on that AND YOU HAVE TO ASK YOURSELF WHY.
They will ask either Judiciary or Oversight Committee to send a letter to the President.
***Judge Jeanine: If it did take place then we have a false narrative created to not only to destroy Donald Trump, BUT THEN WE’VE GOT THE FBI AND THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE IN CAHOOTS SO THAT THEY CAN DESTROY A REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT.***
******Judge Jeanine: That’s the kind of headline this country has never seen. ********
Me: This country has also never seen a headline revealing an ordinary average everyday person who has a sociopath fireman move next to her can be Gang Stalked for over a decade by an American Stasi. Government Gang Stalking is not an isolated phenomena – it is part of vast corruption of the status quo/our intelligence agencies and political leaders who represent the status quo.
Desantis: And you have to ask yourself why did the FBI pay Steele if he were already compiling this for the Democrats. I think one reason if they may have if they used it for the FISA is they wanted to provide the FISA Court with the cloak of respectability for the information.
Jordan: In support of that theory think about what Comey did on Jan. 6, 2017 when they went to the Trump Tower and met with President Trump, briefed him on the Intelligence situation and then everyone leaves the room and Mr. Comey talks to him about the dossier. That gave the dossier legitimacy as well. Remember all the press had this document. No one would print it because this is National Enquirer baloney. But now to Ron’s point the FBI Director took the time to have a special meeting with the President-Elect to brief him on this dossier AND SUDDENLY IT GETS LEAKED REAL QUICK AFTER THAT MEETING. SOMEONE LEAKED IT AND NOW IT HAS RESPECTABILITY BECAUSE THE FBI DIRECTOR, IT WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO TALK TO THE PRESIDENT-ELECT. That is a big concern and it fits right in with the theory that Congressman DeSantis just talked about it.
Judge Jeanine: And isn’t it interesting that Jim Comey (Gang Stalking Jim Comey) is such an important player in all this. We know that he has admitted leaking things to a friend to go to the New York Times to seek a Special Counsel.
What the above reflects is a Corrupt, Dangerously Corrupt, Status Quo. This could lead to the biggest scandal the U.S. has ever seen involving the FBI – the same FBI involved in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
Expose both Scandals – and the fact only Major Reform can save America will become apparent to everyone.