Gang Stalkers in RED & Black: Control Freaks – 6/3/2015
The psychologically healthy person can contain their own anxiety. They can live with ambiguity. They allow other people to be the separate, different persons than they are. This is not true of the American Stasi – our Control Freaks in RED and Black.
The Control Freaks – The American Stasi in RED and Black “want to dictate how EVERYTHING around them is done.”
Why would a person seek to “control” EVERYONE in their world?
These Narcissists in RED and Black think they are special – God’s Chosen People – Exceptional. They can torture, violate the Bill of Rights, have Continuous War, use manipulation, propaganda to force their thinking on others and because they are not introspective – narcissists never are – they see nothing wrong with what THEY do, they only see wrong in other people who they cannot control.
Life is messy, but the Control Freaks in RED and Black can’t tolerate that, the unpredictability of life. Boo! They are afraid of everything, especially, the different – when you are not introspective, this is the lack of understanding with which you approach the world.
The Control Freaks In RED and Black look like Adults but they are really…
“Control freaks are often perfectionists[3] defending themselves against their own inner vulnerabilities in the belief that if they are not in total control they risk exposing themselves once more to childhood angst”
Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Everything scares the Control Freaks in RED and Black.
The Emptiness Inside Control Freaks: there is no there, there.
“Such persons manipulate and pressure others to change so as to avoid having to change themselves,[5] and use power over others to escape an inner emptiness.[“]
Persons who in their home of origin were allowed to unfold their own nature have an inner self confidence grounded in their own nature. The Control Freaks in RED and Black who had personalities imposed on them from Control Freak Parents have to look outside themselves to authorities, their substitute Parents, to tell them what to do. Since what is outside them is always incongruent, coming from multiple different sources, they feel confused and feel afraid all the time.
The Control Freaks in RED and Black Need Power Over Others To Feel In Control/Powerful
“When a control freak's pattern is broken, “the Controller is left with a terrible feeling of powerlessness … But feeling their pain and fear brings them back to themselves”.[7
People who unfolded their personalities in childhood, rather than having to emulate the personalities of Control Freak Authoritarian Parents, get their power from participating in the creative intelligence natural to people who allow themselves to think any thought, to feel any feeling, who don’t censor their inner life to conform to what those outside themselves say is right and true. They approach life with a natural creativity.
The Control Freaks in RED and Black can’t do this.
“Control freaks appear to have some similarities to codependents, in the sense that the latters' fear of abandonment leads to attempts to control those they are dependent on.[“
The Control Freaks in RED and Black need the Group/The MOB/Their Fellow Gang Stalkers to tell them they are Okay.
“Control freaks appear to have some similarities to codependents, in the sense that the latters' fear of abandonment leads to attempts to control those they are dependent on.[“
Don’t leave me Alone. Don’t leave me Alone. Don’t abandon me – say the Control Freaks with no inner core, no real self, who take their identity from the Mob, the Group. That’s what really goes on inside these people who announce to the world they are Exceptional to trick themselves into covering up the inferiority feelings of a self that takes their identity from the Group.
How The Control Freaks In RED and Black Survive With Their Enfeebled Sense of Self
“In the corporate world, control freaks tend to publicly admonish their inferiors, especially during meetings.[10] More positively, the term can also refer to someone with a limited number of things that they want done a specific way; professor of clinical psychology Les Parrott wrote that “Control Freaks are people who care more than you do about something and won't stop at being pushy to get their way”.[11] There may be a fine line between being a detail-oriented manager, who likes to have things done 'right', and being a (destructive) control freak.[12] Control freaks are usually a cause of micromanagement.
In some cases, the control freak sees their constant intervention as beneficial or even necessary. This can be caused by feelings of separation or departure from a loved one; or by the belief that others are incapable of handling matters properly, or the fear that things will go wrong if they do not attend to every detail. In other cases, they may simply enjoy the feeling of power it gives them so much that they automatically try to gain control of everything and everyone around them.”
So how do we handle The Control Freaks in RED and Black?
The Key is Setting Limits. We Expose What They Do and just like in treating a small child (inside the Control Freaks in RED and Black are little Children) – We Collectively Say, “No”! – You can’t do that!
What The Control Freaks in RED and Black Are Doing:
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