Once the buffalo roamed in America, today the herd is of a human kind in Monkey See, Monkey Do America.
Whether its MSNBC, CNN, our Intel Community Mobbing President Trump to get him out of office - or our Gang Stalking American Stasi - https://youtu.be/nsTP2f8uRos - what has been warned has come to fruition:
DeTocqueville was the first to talk about America’s greatest vulnerability – The Tyranny of the Majority : ‘The majority has enclosed thought within a formidable fence. A writer is free inside that area, but woe to the man who goes beyond it, not that he stands in fear of an inquisition, but he must face all kinds of unpleasantness in every day persecution. A career in politics is closed to him for he has offended the only power that holds the keys.’ Tocqueville, in contrast to previous political thinkers, argued that a serious problem in political life was not that people were too strong, but that people were "too weak" and felt powerless; the danger is that people felt ‘swept up in something that they could not control’, according to Kaplan's interpretation of Tocqueville.”
In America – the Herd Now Rules. The Democratic Party – in which any semblance of respect for Civil Liberties died with Ted Kennedy – is now the loudest voice of Herd America. While activist groups within it pay lip service to freedom of speech, the party faithful are really in full mode attack against the first amendment, championing instead a monster-like political correctness, pretending to be able to stand on high and pronounce what can and cannot be said. In place of the First Amendment we are suppose to install THEM as the arbitrators of what is acceptable speech and what is not.
But the greatest threat in Monkey See, Monkey Do America is our secret First Responder/Citizen Vigilante Psychological Terror Group – the American Stasi.
While it’s bad enough in Monkey See, Monkey Do America they are trying to control what we say, it is worse that they are throwing out the Constitution, any constraints on what the American Police State can do.
Beside now part of our Media, part of our Intel Community MOBBING our President, Citizens are now being Mobbed by Police, by Fireman, by EMS, by Ambulance Drivers, by Security Guards, by Neighborhood Watch Groups. Seems the Democratic Left has now merged with the Neocon Right in keeping secret the outrageous Stasi-like Surveillance Program that started with Bush/CHENEY (that sociopath Cheney probably played a big part in this) and was continued by Obama.
The Democratic Party – along with their new Neocon friends - instead of demanding an Investigation of Comey and Mueller’s Role in Our American Stasi, now are standing shoulder to shoulder with our Gang Stalking Intel Agencies.
The Identity Politics of the Democrats whose first priority before the election of Trump was transgender bathrooms, ignores the rights of any group it doesn’t consider pivotal to its election. Thrown under the bus today are average citizens who are harassed for life by the most vicious Monkey See, Monkey do citizens of all, our Gang Stalking/Mobbing American Stasi.
What we are seeing is an attack on our Democratically elected President – by the same groups who wouldn’t look into the secret programs of Bush/Cheney or how Obama continued the Bush/CHENEY COINTELPRO-like activities – and their tacit support for our emerging Secret Police, the American Gang Stalking Stasi.
Am I just another disgruntled Republican? No, I was a Democrat until my Government Gang Stalking began in 2006 and I realized the only party standing up for the Constitution is the Libertarian Party and became a Libertarian.