Demand Our Abusive Gang Stalking Government Be Reined In:
1. By passing the Surveillance State Repeal Act
2. By Stopping Fusion Centers In Our States From Engaging in Unconstitutional Activity
3. By Stopping Government Gang Stalkers From Unremittingly Harassing Citizens As A Result of Personal Vendettas 24/7 For Years
Geolocation Privacy and Surveillance Act, H.R. 2168 and S. 1212.
4. From ACLU on Watch Lists: “Watch lists.
Issue an executive order requiring watch lists to be completely reviewed within 3 months, with names limited to only those for whom there is credible evidence of terrorist ties or activities. Repeal Executive Order 13224, which creates mechanisms for designating individuals and groups as terrorist suspects and preventing US persons and companies from doing business with them - a power of such breadth that, the record shows, it inevitably leads to the designation of many innocent people and does more harm than good.”
5. Stop Labeling Critics of Government Terrorists – From ACLU:
“Monitoring of activists.
Direct the attorney general and other relevant agency heads (eg, Defense and Homeland Security) to end government monitoring of political activists. Direct the attorney general to repeal the new Attorney General Guidelines regarding FBI investigations, and replace them with new guidelines that protect the rights and privacy of innocent persons. An executive order should also direct the relevant agencies to refrain from monitoring political activists unless there is reasonable suspicion that they have committed a criminal act or are taking preparatory actions to do so.”
6. From ACLU: "Direct the attorney general to repeal the new Attorney General Guidelines regarding FBI investigations, and replace them with new guidelines that protect the rights and privacy of innocent persons. The new guidelines should:
a. Prohibit the use of intrusive investigative techniques absent specific and articulable facts that give a reasonable indication that the subject of the investigation is engaging in a violation of federal law.
b. Specifically prohibit the use of race, religion, national origin, or the exercise of First Amendment-protected activity as factors in making decisions to investigate persons or organizations.
c. Specifically prohibit the reporting of and keeping files on persons engaging in peaceful political activities."
7. Protect Free Speech: From the ACLU: Freedom of Speech
Political protest
1. "Issue an executive order directing the Secret Service to end the use of so called “free speech zones,” and repeal procedures in the Presidential Advance Manual for deterring political protest."
2. "The Advance Manual must be revised to afford full First Amendment protection to all demonstrators or protestors and limit safeguards to only those individuals who engage in or have stated they will engage in activity unprotected under Bradenburg v. Ohio."