How U.S. Government Gang Stalking Works
In The Neighborhood Where You Live
In order to socially isolate their targets, our Corrupt COINTELPRO-loving Intelligence Agencies, get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to participate in this PSY-OPS Program.
They get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to use Anchoring - to have Anchors - RED is the most frequent/Green is the second most frequent - along the target's route in leaving her house.
They get neighbors and people in the neighborhood to mob the target: to have a Gang Stalker there when she leaves her house or street or goes onto Buena Hills to leave her development or as she is exiting her development.
Other Anchors used by the Neighborhood Gang Stalkers/MOBBERS are "a single beep," a recording of Siren sounds.
Understanding "Anchoring" - The Core of Government Gang Stalking
Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Schaffer told Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch our Government was using Neuro-Linguistic Programming in its PSY-OPS program.
The NLP tactic being used on Citizens, THE CORE OF GOVERNMENT GANG STALKING is Anchoring.
Can an “anchor” change your emotional state?
Not only Bush/Obama think so who have made it the heart of their horrific Government Gang Stalking Program of Surveillance and Unremitting Harassment, but actors have known this all along. Hence one actor in order to prepare herself emotionally to play a scene sprays a certain perfume. The perfume is an “anchor” that puts her in the right emotional state to play the part. Another actor right before playing a part goes into her trailer and listens to a certain piece of music.
Some “anchors” that might change your emotional state:
if you have a dog who has given you much pleasure the sight of a dog of that breed that resembles yours might bring a smile to your face
if you were in a war associated with loud noises – even thunder which resembles the loud noises of war could affect your emotional state
What anchors do it for you? What sights, sounds, smells etc. can change your emotional state?
Experience for yourself what the Bush/Obama Horrific Government Gang Stalking Program which uses touchless torture is like.
For instance, if you have lost a child - substitute any bad experience for this - think of a stimulus which reminds you of the pain of that lost - perhaps, some sight, smell, sound that was present at the time. Then put that stimulus all over your house. Put it there as you exit your house. Put it in your car. Have people put it everywhere you go. Now do that every day, 24/7, for years - and you'll understand what the Touchless Torture Program of Government Gang Stalking is like.
The "Anchoring" Patterns Used In My Neighborhood
Aug. 20, 2019
I go to get onto Buena Hills - at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills - to leave my development in going out. A RED car is parked near the corner.
I go to get onto Buena Hills - at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills - to leave my development in going out. A RED car is parked near the corner. 8/20/2019 |
Right before I leave my development - at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills - whether day or night - a Green light shines. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
Right before I leave my development - at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills - whether day or night - a Green light shines. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/20/2019 |
Same Time Exit/Entry U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern: I go to exit my development - a car comes around the corner.
Same Time Exit/Entry U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern: I go to exit my development - a car comes around the corner. 8/20/2019 |
There at the corner, right before I turn onto my street in coming home - sits a RED truck.
There at the corner, right before I turn onto my street in coming home - sits a RED truck. 8/20/2019 |
As I go up my street in coming home, a few houses from my house, is a house with a RED light on in front of it.
As I go up my street in coming home, a few houses from my house, is a house with a RED light on in front of it. 8/20/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A MOBBING/PSY-OPS Program Patterns
When I leave my street in going out and go onto Mira Pacific Drive, a light is on showing a RED umbrella.
When I leave my street and go onto Mira Pacific Dr., a light is on showing a RED umbrella. 8/24/2019 |
I go a little further, down Buena Hills, where a Green light shines almost daily. Green is the second most frequent color used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
I go a little further, down Buena Hills, where a Green light shines almost daily. Green is the second most frequent color used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/24/2019 |
The almost daily "Anchoring" Pattern there when I am about to turn onto my street in coming home is a RED vehicle parked on the corner.
The almost daily "Anchoring" Pattern there when I am about to turn onto my street in coming home is a RED vehicle parked on the corner. 8/24/2019 |
The Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern When I Go To Leave My Development in This PSY-OPS Program.
The MOBBING Pattern in this PSY-OPS Program when I go to leave my development is to either have a car come around the corner or a person walk in front of me.
The MOBBING Pattern in this PSY-OPS Program when I go to leave my development is to either have a car come around the corner or a person walk in front of me. 8/24/2019 |
Green is the Second Most Frequent "Anchor"/Color
Used In U.S. Government Gang Stalking
As I exit my driveway and go up my street in going out - there is one person on it - wearing a Green shirt.
As I exit my driveway and go up my street in going out - there is one person on it - wearing a Green shirt. 8/26/2019 |
Next as I pass the corner of Buena Hills and North Way in going out - as usual - a Green light shines at that corner.
Next as I pass the corner of Buena Hills and North Way in going out - as usual - a Green light shines at that corner. 8/26/2019 |
Next as I go to exit my development at the end of Buena Hills - there is the usual Costa Serena MOBBING Pattern - a car comes around the corner.
Next as I go to exit my development at the end of Buena Hills - there is the usual Costa Serena MOBBING Pattern - a car comes around the corner. 8/26/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Pattern: They have Gang Stalkers there when I exit my driveway to go out.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Pattern: They have Gang Stalkers there when I exit my driveway to go out. 8/21/2019 |
Government Gang Stalking Pattern: In this MOBBING Program, they have either a car or a person there at the Big Gang Stalking Corner of Mira Pacific Drive, when I go to get onto Buena Hills to leave my development.
Government Gang Stalking Pattern: In this MOBBING Program, they have either a car or a person there at the Big Gang Stalking Corner of Mira Pacific Drive, when I go to get onto Buena Hills to leave my development. 8/21/2019 |
And Just Before I Turn Onto My Street In Coming Home
And just before I turn onto my street in coming home, to my right is a RED truck.
And just before I turn onto my street in coming home, to my right is a RED truck. 8/21/2019 |
And across from the RED truck - to my left - squats a man with RED shorts.
And across from the RED truck - to my left - squats a man with RED shorts. 8/21/2019 |
Patterns Showing How U.S. Government Gang Stalking
Works In My Neighborhood
On Awalkening, I take my dog out into the backyard to pee, and my Neighborhood Gang Stalkers "play" their faint Siren Sounds (these A-holes use Siren Sounds as an "Anchor"). This is all part of the UNREMITTING HARASSMENT of our American Stasi. Welcome to the PSY-OPS World of Our Out-of-Control Intel Agencies!
As I go to leave my development, the U.S. Government Gang Stalking PSY-OPS/MOBBING Pattern at the Biggest Gang Stalking Corner in Costa Serena - Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills - is to:
1. Have a person at the corner
2. Have a car come in front of me as I arrive at that corner
3. Have an "Anchor" there
"Anchoring" (RED is the most frequent "Anchor" used) Pattern as I arrive at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills:
"Anchoring" (RED is the most frequent "Anchor" used) Pattern as I arrive at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills - 8/12/2019 |
Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern: A vehicle comes in front of me as I arrive at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills.
Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern: A vehicle comes in front of me as I arrive at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills. 8/12/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern: A person stands at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills as I arrive there in leaving my development.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern: A person stands at the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills as I arrive there in leaving my development. 8/12/2019 |
Anchoring Pattern in U.S. Government Gang Stalking - At the next corner - Buena Hills/North Way - a Green light shines. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in this PSY-OPS/MOBBING Program.
Anchoring Pattern in U.S. Government Gang Stalking - At the next corner - Buena Hills/North Way - a Green light shines. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in this PSY-OPS/MOBBING Program. 8/12/2019 |
And at the next corner in this MOBBING/PSY-OPS Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT: Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking - As I go to exit my development a car comes around the corner.
And at the next corner in this MOBBING/PSY-OPS Program of UNREMITTING HARASSMENT: Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking - As I go to exit my development a car comes around the corner. 8/12/2019 |
And when I come home? There at the corner right before I turn onto my street in coming home sits a parked vehicle - RED.
And when I come home? There at the corner right before I turn onto my street in coming home sits a parked vehicle - RED. 8/12/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking PSY-OPS/MOBBING Pattern In The Neighborhood Where I Live, Costa Serena, in Oceanside, CA: When I go out to take in my garbage cans on our usually empty street, a person or car passes in front of me.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking PSY-OPS/MOBBING Pattern In The Neighborhood Where I Live, Costa Serena, in Oceanside, CA: When I go out to take in my garbage cans on our usually empty street, a person or car passes in front of me. 8/1/2019 |
Leaving My Home To Go Out - Aug. 1, 2019
As I approach the Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills intersection to get onto Buena Hills to leave my development, a RED car is parked near the corner.
As I go to the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills to get onto Buena Hills to leave my development, a RED car is parked near the corner. 8/1/2019 |
As I continue down Buena Hills, there at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills - whether night or day - a Green light shines. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
The Green light at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way that shines both day and night...8/1/2019 |
U.S. PSY-OPS Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern. There at the corner on Buena Hills right before I turn onto my street in coming home is a parked RED truck.
U.S. PSY-OPS Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern. There at the corner on Buena Hills right before I turn onto my street in coming home is a parked RED truck. 8/2/2019 |
As I exit my driveway to go out, a woman is standing in the road with a camera pointed at my car.
As I exit my driveway to go out, a woman is standing in the road with a camera pointed at my car. 8/3/2019 |
This is the woman who warned me on Nov. 28, 2014 - "You Better Knock It Off, Woman, Or You're Dead." Click the link under the picture below to see the video.
"You Better Knock It Off Woman Or You're Dead," said the lady in the white SUV to me. 11/28/2014 |
The Same Old/Same Old U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Patterns I See As I Leave And Return To My Home.
As I go onto Buena Hills to Leave My Development In Going Out A Green Light Shines At The Corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
As I go onto Buena Hills to Leave My Development In Going Out A Green Light Shines At The Corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/3/2019 |
As I return home and am about to turn onto my street, a RED truck is parked there on the corner.
As I return home and am about to turn onto my street, a RED truck is parked there on the corner. 8/3/2019 |
When All Else Fails My Neighbor Gang Stalkers Use NOISE
I am woken up this morning by the loud sound of construction noises. I go to get my camcorder to record them in my bedroom AND THEY STOP.
Next there is the LOUD BARKING OF DOGS. Then finally there is a LOUD RADIO being played which can be heard inside my bedroom with the windows closed. When I look outside to see which direction the LOUD RADIO is coming from - it is coming from the same direction where the dirt was thrown on my yard (I have a fence). I know that is where the dirt thrown on my yard came from because next to the fence between our yards was a big hole where the dirt on my yard ( was thrown when I was out) had come from.
Our Gang Stalking Intelligence Agencies Have A History of Using NOISE To Harass/Torture
I post something on my website (see what I posted on Aug. 3) the orchestrators of U.S. Government Gang Stalking don't like, and the next day I'm woken up with NOISE.
Colonel Anthony Shaffer told Judge Napolitano when he had his show, Freedom Watch, that our government was using Neuro-Linguistic Programming in their PSY-OPS Programs. "Anchoring" is a technique used in NLP and is the core of U.S. Government Gang Stalking/a PSY-OPS/MOBBING/Gas Lighting Program used against citizens since the Bush/CHENEY Administration.
Anchoring Patterns In My Neighborhood
As I Leave And Return To My Home
As I come out of my driveway and go down my street in going out, a RED light shines in front of 3169 Coral Drive.
As I come out of my driveway and go down my street in going out, a RED light shines in front of 3169 Coral Drive. 8/4/2019 |
As I turn left onto Buena Hills to leave my development in going out, at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills, a Green (Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS Program) light shines in front of the house on the corner.
As I turn left onto Buena Hills to leave my development in going out, at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills, a Green (Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS Program) light shines in front of the house on the corner. 8/4/2019 |
Here I am about to turn onto my street in coming home. A RED vehicle sits at the corner.
Here I am about to turn onto my street in coming home. A RED vehicle sits at the corner. 8/4/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Same Time Exit/Entry MOBBING Pattern: As I go to exit my development, a car comes around the corner.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking Same Time Exit/Entry MOBBING Pattern: As I go to exit my development, a car comes around the corner 8/4/2019 |
The U.S. Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern here at the Corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills (the biggest Gang Stalking corner in Costa Serena) as I leave my home to go out - is to either have a car come in front of you or come around the corner as I reach it.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern: I come to the corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills in going out - a vehicle comes in front of me. 8/5/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Patterns
As I'm leaving my development to go out, there is usually a Green light on at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
As I'm leaving my development to go out, there is usually a Green light on at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/5/2019 |
As I'm returning home there usually is a RED vehicle parked at the corner right before I turn onto my street to go home.
As I'm returning home there usually is a RED vehicle parked at the corner right before I turn onto my street to go home. 8/5/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Patterns
As I go down Buena Hills to leave my development the Green light at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way is on. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
As I go down Buena Hills to leave my development the Green light at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way is on. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/7/2019 |
Where I go to turn onto my street in coming home, a RED vehicle is parked on the corner.
As I go to turn onto my street in coming home, a RED vehicle is parked on the corner. 8/7/2019 |
As I go to pull into my driveway in coming home, a RED light shines in front of 3169 Coral Drive.
As I go to pull into my driveway in coming home, a RED light shines in front of 3169 Coral Dr. 8/7/2019 |
Same Time Exit/Entry Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern - When I go to exit my development, a car comes around the corner.
Same Time Exit/Entry Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern - When I go to exit my development, a car comes around the corner. 8/7/2019 |
The Almost Daily U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Patterns:
As I go down Buena Hills to leave my development, a Green light shines at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in Government Gang Stalking.
As I go down Buena Hills to leave my development, a Green light shines at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in Government Gang Stalking. 8/8/2019 |
As I return home, a RED vehicle is parked at the corner right before I turn to go onto my street.
As I return home, a RED vehicle is parked at the corner right before I turn on my street to go home. 8/8/2019 |
Same Time Exit/Entry U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern: As I go to exit my development a car comes around the corner.
Same Time Exit/Entry U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern: As I go to exit my development a car comes around the corner. 8/8/2019 |
As I pull into my driveway in coming home, a vehicle in the driveway of 3184 Coral Drive beeps. I notice because a single beep is used as an Anchor in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
As I pull into my driveway in coming home, a vehicle in the driveway of 3184 Coral Drive beeps. I notice because a single beep is used as an Anchor in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. |
Almost Daily U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS Program "Anchoring" Patterns
As I go down Buena Hills in leaving my development to go out, there at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way - whether day or night - a Green light is on. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
As I go down Buena Hills in leaving my development to go out, there at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way - whether day or night - a Green light is on. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/9/2019 |
Right before I turn onto my street in coming home, there at the corner is parked a RED vehicle.
Right before I turn onto my street in coming home, there at the corner is parked a RED vehicle. 8/9/2019 |
A U.S. Government Gang Stalking MOBBING Pattern
As I go to exit Buena Hills in going out, a vehicle comes around the corner.
As I go to exit my development, a vehicle comes around the corner. |
As I go down Buena Hills in leaving my development to go out, there at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way is a Green light; Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in Government Gang Stalking.
As I go down Buena Hills in going out, there at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way is a U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern. Green is the second most frequent Anchor used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/10/2019 |
Here I am at the first major intersection after I leave my development - Vista Way/College Blvd.
Here I am at the first major intersection after I leave my development - Vista Way/College Blvd. 8/10/2019 |
There at the corner as I'm about to turn onto my street in coming home stands a RED parked vehicle.
There at the corner as I'm about to turn onto my street is a RED parked vehicle. 8/10/2019 |
The pretty much nightly
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Patterns.
As I go to the corner of Buena Hills/North Way in going out, a Green light shines at the corner. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
As I go to the corner of Buena Hills/North Way in going out, a Green light shines at the corner. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/12/2019 |
Right before I turn onto my street in coming home, there at the corner is parked a RED vehicle.
Right before I turn onto my street in coming home, there at the corner is parked a RED vehicle. 8/12/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Patterns
As I go down Buena Hills in leaving my development, a Green light shines at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS/MOBBING Program.
As I go down Buena Hills in leaving my development, a Green light shines at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS/MOBBING Program. 8/15/2019 |
As I go up my street in coming home, a RED light shines in front of the house a few doors down from mine.
As I go up my street in coming home, a RED light shines in front of the house a few doors down from mine. 8/15/2019 |
Same Time Exit/Entry Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern
As I go to exit my development in going out, a vehicle comes around the corner.
As I go to exit my development in going out, a vehicle comes around the corner. 8/15/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern: As we go down Buena Hills to leave our development in going out, a Green light shines at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in this MOBBING/PSY-OPS Program.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern: As we go down Buena Hills to leave our development in going out, a Green light shines at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in this MOBBING/PSY-OPS Program. 8/16/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern: As I go down Buena Hills the Green light at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills shines whether I exit my development during the day or at night. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS MOBBING Program.
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern: As I go down Buena Hills the Green light at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills shines whether I exit my development during the day or at night. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS MOBBING Program. 8/17/2019 |
U.S. Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Patterns
RED is the most frequent "Anchor" used in our Government's PSY-OPS Gang Stalking Program.
Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used.
Day or Night when I go down Buena Hills to leave my development in going out, a Green light is on at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way.
Day or Night when I go down Buena Hills to leave my development in going out, a Green light is on at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. 8/18/2019 |
As is frequently the case, when I come home, there, right before I turn onto my street is a RED vehicle parked at the corner.
As is frequently the case, when I come home, there, right before I turn onto my street is a RED vehicle parked at the corner. 8/18/2019 |
Aug. 22, 2019
Almost Daily U.S. Government Gang Stalking Patterns
There is almost daily a Green light at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills when I go down Buena Hills to leave my development in going out. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor"/color used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS MOBBING Program.
There is almost daily a Green light at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills. Green is the second most frequent Anchor/color used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/22/2019 |
As I leave my development - the MOBBING Pattern - is to have a car come around the corner.
As I leave my development - the MOBBING Pattern - is to have a car come around the corner. 8/22/2019 |
The Government Gang Stalking "Anchoring" Pattern is to have a RED vehicle parked at the corner right before I turn onto my street in coming home.
The U.S. Government Anchoring Pattern is to have a RED vehicle parked at the corner right before I turn onto my street in coming home. 8/22/2019 |
As I turn onto Mira Pacific Dr. in exiting my street in going out - only two people are there - one who walks in front of my car carries something RED in her hand.
As I turn onto Mira Pacific Dr. in exiting my street in going out - only two people are there - one who walks in front of my car carries something RED in her hand. 8/23/2019 |
As usual when I return home there at the corner right before I turn onto my street is a RED vehicle.
As usual the pattern when I return home right before I turn onto my street is to have a RED vehicle there parked at the corner. 8/23/2019 |
The Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern when I pull into my driveway is to have a person walking toward me.
The Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern when I pull into my driveway is to have a person walking toward me. 8/23/2019 |
If there were a prize for the longest running Anchoring Pattern in my neighborhood, the Green light there at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills would get it. Green is the second most frequent Anchor/color used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
If there were a prize for the longest running Anchoring Pattern in my neighborhood, the Green light there at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills would get it. Green is the second most frequent Anchor/color used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking. 8/27/2019 |
Aug. 28, 2019
Same Time Exit/Entry U.S. Government Gang Stalking Pattern
As I go to the end of the street to exit the street where I live in going out, the only car on Mira Pacific Drive passes in front of us.
As I go to the end of the street to exit the street where I live in going out, the only car on Mira Pacific Drive passes in front of us. 8/28/2019 |
The most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking is RED. The second most frequent "Anchor" the MOBBERS use is Green.
As I go down Buena Hills to leave my development, as usual, at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills - a Green light shines.
The Green light that shines almost every day as I go to leave my development. 8/28/2019 |
As I return home to my street, there on a house only a few doors down from mine, shines a RED light.
As I return home to my street, there on a house only a few doors down from mine, shines a RED light. 8/28/2019 |
Aug. 29, 2019
Lately, the Most Frequent Anchoring
And Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking Patterns
The Most Frequent "Anchoring" Pattern: I go to leave my development and a Green light is on at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in Government Gang Stalking.
The Most Frequent "Anchoring" Pattern: I go to leave my development and a Green light is on at the corner of North Way/Buena Hills. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in Government Gang Stalking. 8/29/2019 |
The Most Frequent Same Time Exit/Entry Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern: I go to exit my development and a car comes around the corner.
The Most Frequent Same Time Exit/Entry Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING Pattern: I go to exit my development and a car comes around the corner. 8/29/2019 |
The longest running Anchoring Pattern I see as I leave my home to go out each day is the Green light at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent Anchor used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking, a PSY-OPS/Gaslighting Program.
The longest running Anchoring Pattern I see as I leave my home to go out each day is the Green light at the corner of Buena Hills/North Way. Green is the second most frequent Anchor used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking, a PSY-OPS/Gaslighting Program. 8/30/2019 |
No car coming around the corner or person standing on the corner at the Big Gang Stalking Corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills, just a car facing the corner with its headlights on. Brighting is a U.S. Government Gang Stalking Harassment Tactic.
No car coming around the corner or person standing on the corner at the Big Gang Stalking Corner of Mira Pacific Dr./Buena Hills, just a car facing the corner with its headlights on. Brighting is a U.S. Government Gang Stalking Harassment Tactic. 8/31/2019 |
And, as usual, there's a Green light on when I get to the corner of North Way/Buena Hills. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS/MOBBING/Gaslighting Program.
And, as usual, there's a Green light on when I get to the corner of North Way/Buena Hills. Green is the second most frequent "Anchor" used in U.S. Government Gang Stalking/A PSY-OPS/MOBBING/Gaslighting Program. 8/31/2019 |
I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in any of my snapshots or videos is a U.S. Government Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just show you the Patterns I have seen since May 2006 when my Government Gang Stalking began to Provoke An Investigation Into This Horrific, Unconstitutional, PSY-OPS/MOBBING Program.