Joe Biden Vs. Trump – Globalism Vs. the Nation-State
A match-up between Joe Biden/the Democrats Vs. Trump/the Republicans would give us a clear distinction between two different world visions – Globalism Vs. the Nation-State.
We see the Globalist influence in the Democrats advocating for open borders.
We saw Trump prioritizing the interests of the Nation-State in his opposition to open border policies.
Globalism became apparent after 9/11 when the Neocons in the Bush/Cheney Administration engaged in a pre-emptive War and gave our military a new mission – Nation-Building. The Advocates of a New World Order in the Bush Administration envisioned the spread of world-wide democracy (or so they said) with the fall of Iraq, but in back of their claims of spreading democracy seemed to be the spreading of the interests of Multi-National Corporations with the vision of worldwide economic integration.
Today you have Joe Biden continuing the ideas of Globalism and prioritizing the role of international agreements/alliances in his foreign policy, while Trump the advocate of borders/the Nation-State prioritized America’s national interest.
Globalism has given us problems such as companies like Google thinking it is fine and dandy to cooperate with China on technology goals. While those who respect the idea of the Nation State think such Google/China collaboration on technology borders on the treasonous.
The Globalist/Nation-State divide pits map-is-the-territory intellectuals/ideologues against practical, common sense thinking people like businessman Trump.
Hannah Arendt said ideology is tyranny. And indeed, with the rise of Globalism has come the Rise of the Surveillance Police State. It is as if they took advantage of 9/11 to execute their New World Order/economic integration/intelligence integration and to undermine Nation-State ideas of Constitutional government/Bills of Rights/Civil Liberties.
We see today it is the Republicans/Nation-State Interest Advocates who are the most vocal about Intelligence Agencies overreach with regard to the rights of individuals/the Constitution.
The Globalist with their plans for economic integration seem to have a corporatist emphasis, while the advocates of the Nation-State seem to have a capitalist emphasis.
I think it is the task of Nation-State advocates to offer a contrasting vision to the vision of the Globalist of “economic and political integration of countries and economies.” The Globalist see this as the formula for world peace.
I think Trump illustrated the contrasting vision. It was a vision of the strong Nation-State who can defend its borders, Nations who because of their strength are unafraid to engage in ongoing dialogue with members of every other Nation-State regardless of ideology, with the only prerequisite being respect for borders.
Thus, in place of the Globalist undifferentiation – the Nation-State adherents champion the unique interests of very different Nation-States in Constant Dialogue With Each Other as the Key To World Peace.
It seems the Choice in 2024 if it is a Joe Biden/Trump Match-up will be between The Globalist Policies of Bush/Obama/Biden, policies of increasing economic/political integration or an America First Formula For World Peace based on Strong Nation-States defending their unique interests, in Constant Dialogue With Each Other.