Our Leaders Have Killed God in America
Bush/CHENEY/Obama have killed God in the United States. You are to judge them, not by what they say, but by what they do. What they have done is pre-emptive war, start a Government Gang Stalking Program, in the case of Bush/CHENEY using torture. Our forefathers were guided by the notion we have unalienable rights from our creator - a Christian notion. What Bush/CHENEY/Obama have done is take us from a Christian Ethical System to a Utilitarian Ethical System where the individual no longer has unalienable rights from God. They have put the State/their own Will in the place of God's morality.
Our Leaders Operate From An Atheistic Utilitarian Ethical System
Nietzsche Foresaw The Death of God in Our World
"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?
— Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125, tr. Walter Kaufmann"
"But the best known passage is at the end of part 2 of Zarathustra's Prolog, where after beginning his allegorical journey Zarathustra encounters an aged ascetic who expresses misanthropy and love of God:
When Zarathustra heard these words, he saluted the saint and said "What should I have to give you! But let me go quickly that I take nothing from you!" And thus they parted from one another, the old man and Zarathustra, laughing as two boys laugh. But when Zarathustra was alone, he spoke thus to his heart: "Could it be possible! This old saint has not heard in his forest that God is dead!"
— Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, tr. R.J. Hollingdale[2][3]"
“it conveys his view that the Christian God is no longer a credible source of absolute moral principles” When you realize that the United States has moved from a Christian ethical system – the person is made in the image of God and has rights which come from God - to a utilitarian ethical system – the greatest good for the greatest number, where the individual is expendable/has no rights whether in the injustice of Gang Stalking to a single individual, or referring to an innocent dead individual as collateral damage – in the United States God is dead as the source of moral principle.
We now have morality devised by man by the Dick Cheneys, by our Elite, who can Gang Stalk us or seal our death with drones. The individual no longer is seen to be sacred, in the image of God, with certain unalienable rights.
What we are doing is throwing out a moral system that we have had for thousands of years. This is a scary thing. Dr. Jordan Peterson said when you do so you either are left with nihilism – all is permitted - or the State becomes God.
For a Gang Stalking target it is clear the State is now God. No longer do you have the right to be charged with a crime. The State can now just point the finger at you (via Suspicious Activity Reports of neighbors in personal vendettas) and you can be Gang Stalked for years. This is the stuff of totalitarianism, not Christianity.
“The death of God will lead, Nietzsche said, not only to the rejection of a belief of cosmic or physical order but also to a rejection of absolute values themselves — to the rejection of belief in an objective and universal moral law, binding upon all individuals. In this manner, the loss of an absolute basis for morality leads to nihilism.”
In the United States of Bush/CHENEY/Obama – all is permitted - pre-emptive war, torture, Gang Stalking by the MOB for ones lifetime.
What do we do when God is dead - When the Christian Ethical System no longer guides the actions of our leaders? We create a new myth. And that is what Nietzsche did with his notion of the Eternal Recurrence. The Stoics believed it, too. Actually, it makes a lot more sense to me that this notion of a cosmic papa in heaven who makes you obey or tosses you into hell if you don't.
Does the Big Bounce theory of the origins of our universe sound like Nietzsche's eternal recurrence?
"the universe has alternated between periods of expansion and contraction"
Is the Big Bounce an acausal event? And, if so, what does that do to our notions of causality?
The New Myth For Our Age Coincides With The Discovery of Being
From Rollo May's The Discovery of Being:
"To Be and Not To Be"
"Man is the being who can be conscious of, and therefore responsible for, his existence. It is this capacity to become aware of his own being which distinguishes the human being from other beings. The existential therapists think of man not only as "being in itself," as all beings are, but also as 'being for itself.' Binswanger speaks of 'Dasein chosing' this or that, meaning 'the person-who-is-responsible-for-his-existence choosing.'"
"Rather, being should be understood, when used as a general noun, to mean potentia, the source of potentiality; being is the potentiality by which the acorn becomes the oak or each of us becomes what he truly is. And when used in a particular sense, such as a human being, it always has the dynamic connotation of someone in process, the person being something. Perhaps, therefore, becoming connotes more accurately the meaning of the term in this country, despite the difficulties with the term we have mentioned earlier. We can understand another human being only as we see what is moving toward, what he is becoming; and we can know ourselves only as we 'project our potentia in action.'" The significant tense for human beings is thus the future - that is to say, the critical question is what I am pointing toward, what I will be in the immediate future."
"Thus, being in the human sense is not given once and for all. It does not unfold automatically as the oak tree does from the acorn. For an intrinsic and inseparable element in being human is self-consciousness. Man (or Dasein) is the particular being who has to be aware of himself, be responsible for himself, if he is to become himself."
"We shall call this the 'I am' experience."
"First, the 'I am' experience is not in itself the solution to a person's problems; it is rather the precondition for their solution."
"To the extent that my sense of existence is authentic, it is precisely not what others have told me I should be, but is the one Archimedes point I have to stand on from which to judge what parents and other authorities demand. Indeed compulsive and rigid moralism arises in given persons precisely as the result of a lack of a sense of being. Rigid moralism is a compensatory mechanism by which the individual persuades himself to take over the external sanctions because he has no fundamental assurance that his own choices have any sanction of their own."
The Relationship Between The Ego and Being "The ego is said normally to be especially weak in childhood, weak in proportion to the child's relatively weak assessment of and relation to reality; whereas the sense of being may be especially strong, only later to diminish as the child learns to give himself over to conformist tendencies, to experience his existence as a reflection of others' evaluation of him, to lose some of his orginality and primary sense of being."
"...ego is conceived of as weak, passive, and derived in itself an evidence and a symptom of the loss of the sense of being in our day, a symptom of the repression of the ontological concern."
'"To Be and Not to Be,' expresses the fact that nonbeing is an inseparable part of being. To grasp what it means to exist, one needs to grasp the fact that he might not exist, that he treads at every moement on the sharp edge of possible annihilation and can never escape the fact that death will arrive at some unknown moment in the future."
"Without this awareness of nonbeing - that is, awareness of the threats to one's being in death, anxiety, and the less dramatic but persistent threats of loss of potentialities in conformism - existence is vapid, unreal, and characterized by lack of concrete self-awareness."
Foucault: Being Is Becoming.
Definition of the Self in The New Myth For Our Age - Awaring
J.F.T. Bugental: "I am the crest of a wave that has always moved on by the time the wave can be identified."
Donnel B. Stern: The Unformulated Is That We Haven't Reflected Upon.
Human Beings Need A Sense of Agency
Erich Fromm said, The predicament of people of our time is they no longer perceive themselves as a center of activity. Their will is sapped. They play no part in planning their work. They look for excitement instead of joy, for power and prosperity, instead of growth. They try to relieve their emptiness through ever-increasing consumption of things, of drugs, of alcohol, of sex. They listen to what is common sense and public opinion instead of the stirrings of their own heart. The socially well-adapted person today, Fromm said, is often neurotic when viewed in terms of human values, sacrificing much of her real self to perform successfully socially. She overcomes her sense of separateness by conforming to the group's practices and beliefs. It would seem, Fromm said, "that the amount of destructiveness to be found in individuals is proportionate to the amount to which expansiveness of life is curtailed." Further on, "Destructivenss is the outcome of the unlived life."
The Intersubjectivists: The Myth of the isolated mind ascribes to man a mode of being in which the individual exists separately from the world of physical nature and from engagement with others.
Martin Buber: Being is found in-the-between. We are called to a life of Encounter, a life of I-Thou Relating with man, with nature, , in art with embodying form.
How We Defend Ourselves From Nonbeing - Defenses
Bursting The Chains That Enslave Being
Finding Your Place In The World
Carl Jung: The Archetype of Orientation
You Fight Evil By Increasing Consciousness Depth Psychology - The New Myth For Our Time
Our Needed ConiunctioOne way of thinking of My Government Gang Stalking is As A War of Opposites. If it were a movie it might be entitled - Introverted Intuition Clashes With Extraverted Sensing (with the auxiliary clashes of Feeling vs. Thinking). Since I am the intuitive end of this conflict, it falls on me, I think, to come up with a Marriage of the Opposites or as Jung would call it, Coniunctio. A very long-winded explanation of where we need to go can be found in the link below. A short summary of it might go like this: In Our New Myth For the World We Need the development of a Body-Centered Consciousness, the ascendance of an Eros Self. We get to that place by repressing Thinking by realizing all our Narratives can never achieve truth/the map is never the territory. God is Dead, God the Father/Logos has fallen out of heaven as a guiding myth for most people. What shall we replace him with? We replace him with the Restoration of Primal Man before the story of Adam and Eve. We act as if we never bit the apple. We look for direction from our Body Psyche - our connection with the Whole. The New Myth entails a Conscious Matter-Psyche - that is the Coniunctio - the marriage of introvertion with sensing as auxiliaries - and the development of Introverted Feeling as the Dominant Function. Conscious Matter-Psyche is our needed reconciling, New Myth.http://paulijungunusmundus.eu/hknw/holy_wedding_alchemy_modern_man_p1e_e.htm
The Chaos of Our Current World - a World of Ongoing Terrorism/War, of phenomena like Gang Stalking - along with the Big Bounce Theory can make us questions assumptions we formerly had. This could be the beginning of a New Myth. Is our world an interconnected System/Whole, to what extent is it acausal?
How To Achieve Unity
You hear people say we have to be unified as if just saying that will make us unified.
Unity comes from a person-centered approach:
1. from realizing we all have different personalities, different personality types, and each personality type has its own language and its own psychology – one way to achieve unity is learning how to speak the language of people who have a different personality than you do Reference: The Communication Wheel Workbook by Henry L. Thompson, Ph.D. High Performing Systems, Inc.
2. You achieve unity through consensus. Part of achieving consensus involves asking people what their needs are and what their values are and seeing what people have in common.
3. You can’t impose unity because people are not a means to other people’s ends. You achieve it through dialogue.
4. Growth comes when we share information. It’s information – seeing our inconsistencies/cognitive dissonance that leads to growth, change.
The bottom line is unity is not automatic. It is the outcome of respecting individual differences, each person’s autonomy and treating people with respect, having a real interest in what their internal thought process, experience, and feelings are.
Government Gang Stalking Brings Resistance – Not Unity.
David Bohm: The Holomovement
Jungian Remo Roth
Notes On A Very Complex Work
"a microcosmic process can lead to a transmutation of the macrocosm"
"the introverted work of one human can effect a change in the world for the better"
"transcending the split between matter and spirit"
"the integration of feeling and sensing and intuition" - "purely intellectual attitude must be abandoned"
Eros Ego - based on conscious-matter psyche
"Eros Consciousness created out of introverted feeling, introverted sensing, introverted intuition" with thinking as the inferior function
Instinctive - feel part of the macrocosm
"no distinction between outside and inside" "wholeness that comprises the spirit"/World Soul - "connection of everything with everything" psychophysical reality
non-observable oneness
Continuous creation
singular acausal phenomena
"transformation of gross body into subtle body"
recognition of the limitedness of our thinking
Alfred Korzybski: Recognizing The Limitedness of Our Thinking Our Maps Are Not The Territory
The State Is Now The Major Creator of Memes
That Reverberate In The Echo Chambers of Our Minds