Advice The Neocons Didn't Heed - The Neocons Who Began To Embody That Which They Professed To Fight:
From The I Ching On How To Fight Evil
“…the struggle must not be carried on directly by force. If evil is branded, it thinks of weapons, and if we do it the favor of fighting against it blow for blow, we lose in the end because thus we ourselves get entangled in hatred and passion. Therefore it is important to begin at home, to be on guard in our own persons against the faults we have branded. In this way, finding no opponent, the sharp edges of the weapons of evil become dulled.”
“…the best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good.”
The Way to Fight The Terrorists After 9/11 Was To Bring Them To Justice In Our Courts - Not A War on Terror Which Has Resulted In Our Becoming More Like Them.
Government Gang Stalking Is An Anxiety Driven Phenomena
There are the grunts – the Neocons who carry out the stalking on the ground. They are often motivated by feelings of powerlessness. They don’t have confidence that reason can change the world. They don’t have the self-confidence that would make them able to interact with others on an equal footing. By merging themselves with the group, something they perceives as stronger than themselves, it gives them a feeling of power. Participating in Government Gang Stalking gives them a feeling of importance to allay their unconscious feelings of inferiority.
Then there are the architects of Government Gang Stalking – the Dick Cheneys – the Neocons in the Bush White House who started it and the Neocon architects in our Intelligence-Industrial Complex who continue it. They are driven by anxiety, too. They need a way to deflect the anger of those they see as the “unwashed mob” from being turned on Government. So they give the mob scapegoats – a focus for their anger to deflect it from focusing on the Government. They also have their selfish tribal goals – putting Israel first, ahead of the real interests of Americans and the interests of world peace. They use Government Gang Stalking as a way to squelch complete and honest debate that would challenge their foreign policy assumptions which have resulted in a world in chaos. Their hope was Government Gang Stalking through rumor would inspire fear in the people and facilitate the Elites running the country unencumbered by the annoyance of democratic process.
Who Are The Neocons Who Are Responsible For Government Gang Stalking?
Who are the Neocons who created the climate in the U.S. that spawned the American Stasi/Government Gang Stalking?
- against the social liberation movements of the 60’s and 70’s
- “favor aggressive unilateral foreign policy”
- think of government by the American people as mob rule – favor Elites controlling the government
- “include many Jewish and Catholic intellectuals”
- believe in “U.S. Global Dominance and International Alliances”
- “attacked feminism, gay rights, multiculturalism”
- support nonrestrictive immigration policy
- believe “Might Makes Right”
- “have a profound belief in American moral superiority”
10. believe Western Values should be spread around the world
“Think tanks and organizations closely related to the neoconservatives include American Enterprise Institute, Project for the New American Century and JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs).”
“Neocon influence in the US media
The number of neocon dominated/controlled journals and program outlets has steadily increased ever since the introduction of Commentary. Eric Alterman lists the following outlets according to their degree of neoconnery [7]:
Although not listed in Alterman's list, The Atlantic Monthly also registers increasingly as a neocon-dominated periodical.
In Canada, neocon-dominated news outlets include:
- Western Standard
- The National Post
Increasingly, since Kenneth Whyte, the former editor of the right-wing and now-defunct Alberta Report' and former editor-in-chief of the National Post and the now defunct weekly magazine Saturday Night, took over as editor-in-chief and publisher of Canada's only weekly news magazine in 2005, MacLeans has also taken on a slick neoconservative bias. [8]”
Economic Issues and Civil Liberties Issues Are Intertwined. Bill Gates thinks the National Security State is fine and dandy - no problems. The Neocons Represent Corporate America, the Military-Industrial Complex - not the average powerless citizen who can't afford a lawyer when abused by our Bill of Rights/Constitution trashing Government. We need Reformers like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders or Rand Paul to stand up for the Rights of Everyday People, not just The Rich and Powerful.
Fight For Sanders or Warren or Paul in the 2016 Election As If Your Liberty Depended On it
Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have a rating of 100% by the ACLU. They will fight for your Liberty. There is also no question that Rand Paul has a solid, long record of fighting for the Civil Liberties of Average Americans.
Who are the Gang Stalking Neocons Unconsciously Identifying with?
Government Gang Stalking started in the Neocon Bush/CHENEY Administration.
- They called the U.S. – The Homeland.
- They began Scapegoating Citizens with Government Gang Stalking that has been called a Mini-holocaust.
- They organized the Expanded Neighborhood Watch Groups they doubled in size into Citizen Corps – the Gang Stalking RED Shirts. When the RED Shirts were exposed our largely Neocon Intelligence-Industrial Complex started the Black Shirts.
- They advocate Ever Expanding Militarism, Continuous War – World Domination through a New World Order where their Materialistic Values Predominate:The Dollar is their God.
- They say the War in Iraq, which cost the lives of tens of thousands of people was worth it – dismissing innocent individual lives as collateral damage.
- They identify themselves with our country which they call Exceptional.
- They think it is their right to lead the world.
- They advocate torture, dismiss the Constitution as written for another time, and ignore much of the Bill of Rights.
- They are the major architects of a Surveillance Police State, with a militarized police, and an intelligence-complex so huge it is impossible to have oversight.
10. They used the State Secrets Doctrine to hide their misconduct and advocated an Imperial Presidency with power now even over life and death of individuals.
It’s Time For A Revolution At The Polls electing to the Presidency either Bernie Sanders on the left or Rand Paul on the right – the Reformers in the 2016 Election. As Elizabeth Warren has said the Presidential Election of 2016 is about Values. The Values of our Founders have been trampled upon by the Neocons in the Bush/CHENEY Administration. It is time to stand up for the individual, for individual rights, for the Bill of Rights, for our Constitution, and for the Rule of Law. It’s Time To Reform the America the Neocons have disfigured so badly she would be unrecognizable to our Forefathers.
Our Battle Cry going into the 2016 Presidential Election must be – No Stasi in America.