1. Our Immoral U.S. Government that Gang Stalks its own Citizens with an American Stasi/Citizens Corps/The Expanded National Neighborhood Watch Groups uses even youths, children, very handicapped people and the very aged in its lawless Government Gang Stalking Program.https://youtu.be/mjnzYP4b6aI
2. As we're getting out of our car, a person with a White shirt crosses the street. A person with a Black jacket comes out of a Taco Place.
3. As we start our walk a person on a skateboard in a RED hat comes in front of us. https://youtu.be/uf4tAnrdu0Y 4. The street is empty, but in front of us walks a lady in a RED shirt carrying a RED cup. RED, black and white are the colors used by The American Stasi/Our Neighborhood Watch Group Gang Stalkers.https://youtu.be/juGNqu0yJNQ
5. As we approach the corner where we are going to cross the street, there at the corner is a White car with a man wearing White standing outside it. White is now the most frequent color used in Government Gang Stalking.https://youtu.be/7O0tbC6RbYk
6. What goes on in our Dysfunctional Government's Gang Stalking PSY-OPS Program being used against citizens is over the top!https://youtu.be/Y4j132UZHfE
7. As I put my brother in our car a Black car pulls in front of us. I found this interesting since Black is the second most prevalent color used in Government Gang Stalking.https://youtu.be/VGJSqVXjvPk
8. I leave my parking space after our walk and come to the corner where one Black car is across from me, one White vehicle is to my right and another Black vehicle comes in back of me. White and Black are the two most prevalent colors used in Government Gang Stalking. https://youtu.be/oVJ0iWmFKsA
9. Black is one of the colors used in Government Gang Stalking. Here we are getting into our car.https://youtu.be/oVJ0iWmFKsA
10. Now Our Corrupt Government's Gang Stalking Program is all about Anchoring (a Neuro-Linguistic Programming tactic to affect the emotional state). Watch how the Lawless Carlsbad Police who Gang Stalk with the America Stasi/Citizen Corps/Our National Expanded Neighborhood Watch Groups use themselves as Anchors in Government Gang Stalking.https://youtu.be/7fbYzB58EVQ11. I misspoke. I didn't pull out from the lotto machine - I just pulled out of the parking lot where I had gone to the ATM. As I pull back on the main road a White and RED car come in front of me.https://youtu.be/ZaRG1MUeW9A
I would like to stress for all the above videos I never say individuals in my videos are Government Gang Stalkers. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just show you what I see To Provoke An Investigation into The Government Gang Stalking I have suffered 24/7 FOR THE LAST NINE YEARS.