Same Time Exit/Entry Is A Government Gang Stalking Tactic – 9/26/20151. Here I am entering the Mall where Petco is off Vista Way. As I ride down the entry way a man in Black and White walks beside me. I enter the mall that has Petco - and it’s one RED , White and Black car after another. Looks to me like someone didn't like the video I uploaded today:What would the Pope say about Government Gang Stalking? When I arrive at Petco a Black car is coming toward me and a White car with its lights on looks like it is about to pull out. As I pull into my parking space to go into Petco a White truck passes in front of me and then a RED car comes by. As I get out of my car to go into Petco a lady with White shorts is going into Petco and a RED truck rides by. I am getting the stroller out of my car to go into Petco:1. a person goes into a Black truck2. someone with a Black top comes by3. in the next row a man in Black and White is walking by4. a White car passes by5. a White park stays in its space with its motor running As I walk into Petco:1. A Black SUV passes in front of me2. A RED car comes beside me3. Another Black car comes from my left4. a person in White and Black walks on my right5. a Black car passes behind me6. a RED car is behind it As I am going into my car after coming out of Petco a White SUV comes in front of me. I leave my parking space, leave the row where I parked and among the first two people I see - one is wearing White shorts. They didn't have the dog food I wanted in Petco so I had to go to Petsmart. As I arrive people in Black cross in front of me, someone in RED is walking away. Here I am about to go into Petsmart. As I come out of Petsmart two people in White and Black are there. Here we are getting out of the car to go into Walmart. As I back out of my parking space in leaving Walmart a person with White pants is going by.