Our American Stasi Use RED, White and Black in Government Gang Stalking - 9/30/20151. I get out of my car in a parking lot for a walk - someone walks into the lot with a RED towel thrown over his shoulder.https://youtu.be/TpzBie_8kqU2. Here we are starting our walk as three bicyclists come by - all wearing White - coincidentally, White is now the primary color used in my Gang Stalking. First one Black and White vehicle pass by and then another Black and White Vehicle pass by. Black is the second most used color in Government Gang Stalking.https://youtu.be/f6SaC-EyyUg3. Just us, a person wearing Black and a White vehicle. White and Black are the two colors now primarily used in Government Gang Stalking.https://youtu.be/WMxclhQ0J7A4. Just us - a person in White riding a bike, a person in Black riding a bike, a White vehicle that rides by and a person in White up ahead - on the street. White and Black are the two primary colors used in Government Gang Stalking.https://youtu.be/OkG5osgnL5M5. There's so few cars on the road - what a coincidence that those that pass by together are so often Gang Stalking colors.https://youtu.be/1SxYGaNQIV86. What a coincidence that on a road with little traffic today, the cars/people that do come by together are in Gang Stalking colors.https://youtu.be/smDRRHAJqsA7. Yet another group of people/vehicles in Black, RED, White - the Gang Stalking colors - pass us by. Now, of course, this could just be multiple coincidences.https://youtu.be/nhB2Es7fXQk8. As a RED car comes by so does a man in Black.https://youtu.be/Sk3qeJVrkxA9. I'm sure this is a coincidence that our Gang Stalking Oceanside Police turn up as two girls in White and Black pass by as well as another person in White and a White vehicle.https://youtu.be/g6MMuIQFNRc10. Just a person dressed in Black, a White car and a person with a White hat and ushttps://youtu.be/UdhvP6L57yY11. Just us – people in Black and a White and RED car – as we take our walk.https://youtu.be/ub5BSLZ_Oi812. Ahead of us a man in Black and White comes riding a RED bike. Then a Black truck passes by. Next a White vehicle passes by. One car later - another Black vehicle comes by.https://youtu.be/8jIesTdz62A13. As we cross the street a White truck just happens to be there.https://youtu.be/NMtMyoijn-g14. Just us and a person in White going down Breakwater Way toward the Oceanhttps://youtu.be/vusWntRMP7g15. Here I'm just showing you what I saw as we came off the beach after sitting there for a few minutes after our walk.https://youtu.be/Z3XOmnwY3poI would like to emphasize that in no way am I saying anyone in any of the videos above is a Government Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I don't know people's intentions. I just show you what I see to Provoke An Investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have suffered 24/7 FOR OVER NINE YEARS.