Values Our Sick Culture Has To Learn To Go Sane:
1. transparency
2. authenticity
3. spirituality - transcending ego
4. respect - gained through a willingness to engage in dialogue (not debate), learning real listening
5. the systemic nature of reality - we are not separate from our environment/the Whole
6. the intersubjectivity of relationships - where both are responsible for what transpires
7. respect for individuality, otherness, a willingness to learn the unique language of the other based on their unique life experiences, unique personality
8. the ability to use head as well as heart, sensing as well as intuition
9. the courage to live with holy insecurity
10. the wisdom to see our own narratives as nothing more than the stories we tell ourselves
Sick or Healthy - that is the choice our world/country faces.
At the heart of our very sick culture - that spawns things like Government Gang Stalking, like continuous war - is a sense of powerlessness.
Defenses, which are always there to thwart anxiety whether on the psychological level or the world stage, always come from self-deception, from distortion of reality.
Control, dominate, manipulate - is how people who feel inferior and weak survive in the world, while all the way putting on a bombastic display of strength.
Real strength comes from nature - a recognition of nature in ourselves and in others. We either meet the needs of nature or pay the price.
The needs our sick culture ignores:
1. The need of every person/country to be confirmed.
2. The need of every person/country to express who they are.
3. The need of every person/country to find an environment where they can express what is unique and individual about them.
That's it. That's the formula for inner peace, for world peace.
But what does a sick culture do:
1. Expose its citizens to cooky cutter institutions that manipulate and control and dominate and, and ultimately, make sick.
2. Try to manipulate and control and dominate other countries instead of engaging in dialogue, building bridges, listening before speaking, really listening.
3. Trying to impose conceptions of the good citizen, the good girl and good boy on citizens and imposing penalties/Government Gang Stalking etc. on those who deviate.
4. Trying to lead - which is really another word for dominate, control, manipulate - other countries as if our country was such a shining model for others to follow/as the sick call it - an exceptional nation.
5. Trying to impose a cooky cutter New World Order on people/countries where everyone marches in lock step to the tune set by Elites/the moneyed and politically powerful.
Life or Death - that is the choice before us. Sick culture - or building a healthy one - that is the choice before us. One conforms to the mental conception of the Elites. One conforms to nature.
Life is really pretty simple. It's only the mind of men/women that make it complicated.
Confirm others - find environments where you receive confirmation yourself.
Use dialogue to bridge the gap between one person and another. Sometimes that might require learning the language of the other even when you think you speak the same language.