Intel Agencies Can Be As Arrogant As They Want. They Have America On Lockdown
We Are Now In The Total Surveillance Society. They spy on us from the skies from which there is no escape.
The President who came into office challenging our Intel Agencies has been effectively castrated. Afraid of Mueller, Trump will not aid America’s only hope – the band of Republican Congressman trying to make the DOJ and FBI Accountable.
Our Criminal Intel Agencies are making an example of Congressman Luis Gohmert try to criticize us/Mueller – and we will surveil you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Our Criminal Intel Agencies know where the skeletons are buried: “Congressman and former Ohio State University wrestling coach Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is being accused of knowing about Dr. Richard Strauss's sexual abuse of student athletes at OSU and not acting on the information at the time.” Show me the institution where there hasn’t been sexual abuse? We are using today’s standards to judge America’s secret past. Are all seeing Criminal Intel Agencies can take down anyone they put their sight on. Congressional leaders like Charles Schumer have come out and said so. Leaders like Rand Paul have said – Congress fears Our Intel Agencies.
The Democrats are using our Criminal Intel Agencies to regain Power. People like Maxine Waters have openly advocated for our Intel Agencies favorite tactic – MOBBING – in this case, of people close to Trump.
Obama – who was given a pass – because of his close relationship with our Intel Agencies – continued the Government Gang Stalking Program of George Bush.
Look at my you tube channel, at my website and see the MOBBING/Gang Stalking program they planned to instill fear in the American public. I upset their plans by exposing it. But even though now limited, they are openly aggressive about Gang Stalking, caring not who sees what they are doing.
They know – They Have America On Lockdown. With even the Swamp Inspector Generals singing their tune – there is no one who poses a threat to their Tyranny.
They can now be open about it. Except for those documents that Hero Band of Republicans are demanding. One suspects there is information out there that can take them down and they are determined the American public will never see it.