Changing America From An Acting Out Society To…
Truth is found in the concreteness of the Everyday.
If we had a Media dedicated to Truth in the last Presidential Election they would have told stories based on dialogue with the people who live in the middle of our country.
Today they would go into our poorer areas and have dialogues with the poorest of our citizens.
They would talk to people like myself who have been Gang Stalked 24/7 since May 2006 by Police, Firemen, EMS, Ambulance Drivers, Security Guards and Neighborhood Watch Groups Members.
But then we would be an authentic society whose narratives were based on the concrete everyday lives of real people.
Instead we are a contrived “image” society. We all remember the Stepford Politicians before Trump who read talking points , the Persona people.
The Trump Revolution was, in part, a rebellion against the Stepford Society America had become. Some have tried to Restore Stepford America with political correctness, public shaming of anyone who doesn’t hold their values.
The New Authoritarianism is a substitute for the direction a saner society could take where there is real talking and real listening, constant dialogue which happens between real flesh and blood people who are allowed to say anything, be their authentic selves.
Socialism, capitalism, globalism, populism – stop thinking, stop dialogue, take us out of the concrete reality of the every day into the abstract, map is the territory reality that is responsible for all our problems.
The Crudeness of Trump, the Outrageous Confrontation of the New Left – much of our Shadow is partly on display now. Exposing U.S. Government Gang Stalking – - would put even more on display.
This is what must happen if we are to go from a Persona/ talking point society based on Image to Shadow as primitive instincts that were once hidden are revealed to, to, to…. We will determine what is next. Will there be more repression, a more totalitarian top-down Persona Society that tries to put back in the box all the primitiveness we have seen? Or will there be a more humble society, more aware of our shadows and the consequences to humanity when Shadow Rules?
The New American Society could be a more realistic one – not based on Map is the Territory Intellectual Abstractions/ ideas of a New World Order, but a New Dialogical Society where everyone is heard, perhaps, through mechanisms on the political level like proportional representation, where diversity is respected , where anything can be said so there is less acting out, where primitive behavioral instincts are not on display by the MOB because dialogue, words make us aware of our primitive shadow so it doesn’t have to be acted out in phenomena like U.S. Government Gang Stalking.
A New Society where anything can be said, where there is proportional representation in our government bodies, where speech is free and we are Accountable For Our Actions which are not kept hidden through mechanisms like the States Secret Doctrine -
That Could Be Our New America.