Thinking About Today's Democrats
What Do Trump Supporters Think of Democrats?
We are constantly bombarded with what Democrats think of Trump Supporters, but what do Trump Supporters think of Democrats? That’s, in a way, a phony question, because Trump Supporters are diverse, so I can only tell you what this Trump Supporter thinks of Democrats.
We know many Democrats think Trump is crazy/narcissistic etc. A Group in the FBI even contemplated removing him from office because he was seriously impaired.
Well I spent a good deal of my life reading books in psychology and psychoanalysis and my own feeling is more like what were once called the anti-psychiatrists and those who talked about the myth of mental illness.
I think we have to think of a system rather than individuals apart from the system. Trump is a phenomena embedded in the time out of which he came forth in public life. You can’t understand Trump apart from the times in which we live, the culture in which we live. Democrats err in that they lack this systems thinking.
You can’t have a debate with a Democrat because they are convinced that they are “morally” superior. They are locked in impenetrable “thought” (fixed, closed, not open to new information). Thinking together in dialogue is not their thing. We just have to accept on “faith” that they are right/have the moral high ground and buckle under their intimidation – mobbing of Republicans, politically correct tyrannical thinking, authoritarianism.
Beto O’Rouke, the Democrat Pretty Boy, even suggested maybe we should ditch the Constitution -
He isn’t the only Democrat who thinks that way. Nancy Pelosi once laughed at the idea that we should think about the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land and take it seriously in the political decisions we make.
The reason I spent so much time reading books in psychology, psychoanalysis is that individuation is an extremely important idea in my thinking. I see the Democrats as a threat to individuation. Their, often contempt for the Constitution to me is a contempt for the rights of the individual put forth in the Bill of Rights.
Individualism seems not allowed in Democrat group think/politically correct/use force – mobbing, emotional intimidation of the “morally superior” to privilege their values and needs over mine.
Where I see a party putting the needs and wants of identity groups – gays/blacks/illegal immigrants/women who want an abortion above the needs and wants of those who are not gay/black/illegal immigrant/women who want an abotion – they see a party who is right on all the issues. They have contempt for the middle of the country voter, or any voter who dares to say – I have interests, too, and they may not be the same as the interests – needs and wants of those who have privileged the needs and wants of part of the population, instead of looking at everyone’s needs and wants and coming to mutually satisfactory solutions about where the country as a whole should go in our politics.
When you think that your espousal of needs and wants is morally superior there can be no discussion. And that is the point we are at today. Democrats are right. Trump supporters are wrong. And there is “mind reading” since there is no discussion about why so many people voted for Trump and what they want and need.
My no. 1 issue is not what gays need and want or what blacks need and want or what illegal immigrants need and want or what some women who want an abortion need and want – but Civil Liberties.
I’ve endured Government Gang Stalking/MOBBING since May 2006 and it is every bit a violation of rights as violation of gay rights or the rights of blacks or the rights of illegal immigrants or the rights of women.
In America all cards should be put on the table. But many Democrats today deny that our government is seriously violating the rights of people like me who are not gay or black or an illegal immigrant or a woman demanding control over her own body.
The “morally” superior Democrats, many of which who want to ditch the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with it – don’t give a damn about my rights. That’s one of the many reasons why I didn’t vote Democrat.
The New World Order that Bush Senior talked about, that Hillary Clinton’s hero, Henry Kissinger talked about, is alive and well in Democratic thinking.
I see them as wanting to end the idea of the nation state. Now to a person who values individuation the idea of a world wide melting pot/group think/Elite run – telling you what kind of health care you should have, what politically correct thinking you must have etc. – is anathema to me.
I believe in functional medicine – getting at the cause of medical problems – not conventional, Big pharma run medicine. I don’t want all our resources put in the conventional medicine pot which treats symptoms and doesn’t look at the individual, at the system in which she/he is immersed in making health care decisions.
I think questions of climate change should be discussed – not closed to further discussion as many Democrats propose.
I do not like a foreign policy determined by a vast army of bureaucrats, in which, now our vast intelligence-industrial complex – like the Democrats thinks they are right and those who propose anything else are dangerous to be Gang Stalked, driven from the Presidency etc.
I want a “thinking” America, a dialogue America, an open America, an America that reverences the Bill of Rights and tolerates no violation of it. I want an America that values individuation and not group think.
I want an America which respects individual rights and not just gay rights or black rights or immigrant rights or a woman’s right to choose. (Recalling his personal observation of a late-term abortion performed by one of his instructors during his medical residency, Ron Paul stated, “It was pretty dramatic for me to see a two-and-a-half-pound baby taken out crying and breathing and put in a bucket.”). Try to pull up that article on Google and see if you have as much trouble as I did in accessing it. I don’t know if abortion is right or wrong – but I want it discussed as if it is not a settled question. And I don’t want google making decisions about what I can and cannot see.
This points out another problem. I see the Democrats/Intelligence Agency Elite/Neocons/Corporations as joining forces and my needs and wants absolutely do not agree with many of theirs.
I want an America in which needs and wants are openly discussed and nobody’s needs and wants are classified as “morally superior” not open to discussion of the direction we as a country should take together in our political decisions.
I voted for Trump in protest, in protest to violation of my rights since May 2006 in the Government Gang Stalking the Status Quo pretends does not exist. I see very handicapped people like my brother finding it more difficult to survive in a world where the pieces of the public pie for people with severe disabilities is shrinking because the needs and wants of other people are put first.
I have my own thinking about how I want to live. I’m an introvert and adding more and more people to the U.S. isn’t my idea of what we should do. I look for the quietest place with the fewest cars in the parking lot for my idea of bliss, not Emergency Rooms where there is over an two hour wait and being told when you seek an appointment – you will have to wait until next month – we’re booked.
Personally, I don’t know what “morally” superior means. I think of people who talk that way as “authoritarians.”
Give me freedom and the ability to live my own life according to my own values. Don’t force your values down my throat. I see the Democratic Party as doing that today more than any other. And that’s one of the many reasons why I voted in protest for Trump.
The bottom line is I see the Democratic Party as: 1. Authoritarian 2. Hypocritical - they talk about immigrant rights/ignore political rights of Gang Stalking targets 3. Proponents of the New World Order - no boundries/no nation states - big role for Intelligence-Industrial Complex which is Unaccountable, Making the World Safe For International Corporations - Running Over the Bill of Rights/Constitution/Rights of the Individual 4. Proponents of Big Government - Dictating Conventional Medicine over Functional Medicine, Big Pharmas push to dope up America etc. Foreign Policy Run By Bureaucrats Telling Us What Is True/Climate Change And Not True - Closing Off Topics from Further Discussion 5. Representing only select constituencies - Gays, Blacks, Illegal Immigrants, Women who want the right to abortion - who represent voting blocks they need to get elected - and saying the hell with many of the rest of the people, for instance, people like myself whose rights are being violated with Government Gang Stalking
Whereas, I want to see a country constantly thinking, constantly discussing, where everything is open and on the table, an open system, not a closed system - where the internet is free, information is not restricted, where you can think anything, and be free to live by your own values, not Big Brother's values.
Democrats think they represent the future and Trump supporters represent the past. I have seen the authoritarian, big, big, bigger government, throw out the Constitution/Bill of Rights, New World Order - Collectivity - future of the Democrats and I reject it.
Ideas I like: the Left Libertarian, the philosophy of Martin Buber, Individuation, Existentialism/making decisions about our own lives/freedom to choose. I see companies like Winco in my community, employee owned, and I think they could be our future. I want to see individuals not in the chains Rousseau talked about. I want more freedom, not less. I want us to get control of our uncontrolled bureaucracy, especially, our Intelligence-Industrial Complex. I want to see political leaders encourage all points of view in talking about America's future. I think the future we should have has not been named yet, because we have authoritarians like the Democrats trying to shove their version of the future down our throats.