“Americans should be reassured that the federal law enforcement agencies are working to keep America safer rather than focused on revenge against political enemies.”
“It is long past time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the possibility of widespread and systematic corruption, obstruction, leaking, and collusion within America’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The leadership of the FBI and Department of Justice have made clear, through their ongoing obstruction of congressional investigations and oversight, that these agencies simply can not be trusted to investigate or police themselves.”
That’s the point – they cannot be trusted to name a Special Prosecutor who will be independent and dedicated to do a thoroughgoing job for the American people. The last time the DOJ named a Special Prosecutor it was Mueller, friend of Comey, former Director of the FBI to investigate matters which involve the FBI.
“Congressional investigators and concerned citizens are growing alarmed. Sen. Lindsey Graham, Sen. Ron Johnson, Rep. Ron DeSantis, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Lee Zeldin, Rep. Mark Meadows, and many other informed members of Congress have called for a second special counsel to deal with allegations of corruption at the Department of Justice.”
We need President Trump to step up and be a Profile in Courage and make good on his election promise to Drain the Swamp by naming a Special Prosecutor with the recommendation of the Representatives of the People, Senator Graham, Sen. Johnson, Rep. DeSantis, Rep. Jordan, Rep. Zeldin, Rep. Meadows and others who are calling for a Special Counsel to investigate “allegations of corruption at the Dept. of Justice.”
What has been revealed so far is the tip of the iceberg. Our Republic has never been in more danger than it is today. We can’t take a chance that another member of the Good Ol’ Boys Network will be named as Special Prosecutor. We need President Trump to make sure the person selected to be Special Counsel in charge of this dramatically important investigation will be someone we all can trust to get at the truth and hold people accountable for any wrongdoing.
President Trump, please be a Profile in Courage and name a Special Prosecutor to look into allegations of corruption at the Justice Dept. yourself.