The Singularity - My Thoughts
When I think of the Big Bang - my conception of how the world began (acutally I think of it as part of an eternal recurrence an eternal expanding and contracting), I think of one thing, the Singularity, erupting/then evolving into Many.
I think of Differentiation/the evolutionary process that followed the Big Bang as eventually bringing consciousness into the world. Edward Dennett has a good explanation of this.
Now my goal in thinking about this is to find peace. As Wordsworth said the world is too much with us. How to we find peace, a respite from our daily trials and suffering of the everyday/life - is my goal.
I think a CD I have on relaxation in a kit called the Self-Hypnosis Home Study Course by Steven Gurgevich (an associate of Dr. Andrew Weil) has the key/my key.
Once in doing a CD in the course on relaxation, I experienced this place, a feeling of nothingness/peace bliss that I think of as an experience of the Singularity - ridding myself of Wordsworth's too much with us world.
Unfortunately, my day does not have the 35 minutes to spend on doing this relaxation CD. So I have today tried to distillate how to access that place of quietude more quickly, perhaps, as I am going to sleep at night.
In listening to the part of the CD that is so effective for me I distillated these parts of the process.
1. A cue - setting your intention - to go there. Hold your breath to the count of 5 producing tension. Squeeze thumb and forefinger together and then at the end of the count of 5, release.
2. Detaching.
What we detach from is the world that is too much with us, the conscious world, the differentiated world that is composed of the narratives we tell ourselves and then believe.
We do this by observing but not identifying with what we hear around us. The key is to become the oberserver. We let this happen. Never "try" which takes us back into the world of consciousness/separation/differentiation - us trying to "control" the world.
3. Letting Go. We let go of the stress of the world that is too much with us/the conscious world of differentiation/the many. We do this by instead of focusing without focusing within. We focus on relaxing the muscles in our body starting from the head down to the toe.
4. Deepening the Inner Focus. We can use visual imagery such as a ride down an escalator/elevator to deepen the experience. We count from 10 down to 1 as we visualize ourselves going deeper, deeper down (from the conscious world of the Many to the unconscious world which I think of as the Singularity - in dreams without the world of logic's rules A is different from B from C - in dreams everything flows into everything else as there is condensation and displacement). The ultimate destination is that experience I found once of nothingness/no thought/peace/unconsciousness - what I think of as the Singularity which resides within us as the place from which we ultimately came. It is a fleeting experience. But I believe once we have found it, we can keep returning there, it can always be there with us, a way to find peace within.
I think the way to return there and to teach our body this sense of peace is to practice the steps above - Cue - Observe - Relax Muscles - Deepen/Exerience/Singularity/Place of No Thought/Remnant of the Singularity.