A Not Politically Correct Point of View – None of Our Elites Suffered Civil Liberties Abuses – So It’s Allowed To Continue Since Bush/Cheney
Government Gang Stalking is one of the most outrageous Civil Liberties abuses we have ever seen. So why then has it been allowed to continue for over a decade when many political leaders and many in the press know it exists?
My conclusion is that there is no politicians, no Main Stream Media Elite who have suffered from a COINTELPRO-like program. People – I have concluded – tend to prosecute abuses they have themselves personally experienced.
At core we are all more egocentric than not. We defend our own. We defend other issues, too, but not like the egocentric issues we have personally experienced.
Thus, it seems to me – and here comes the politically incorrect part – if you want Gay issues defended you make sure we have a lot of Gays in the Main Stream Media – Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow. Then you can be sure that Gay issues will be front and center and covered well.
If you want Muslim issues to be front and center you elect an Illhan Omar or a Rashida Tlaib to Congress. They understand Muslim oppression best and will express anger over Pro-Israel lobbies, advocate for a boycott against Israel.
If you want Hispanic issues to be pushed to the forefront, you elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to public office. She will call to abolish Ice. Call illegal immigration holding centers Nazis concentration camps.
If you want issues of the mentally disabled discussed. Elect a President with a mentally handicapped sister. You’ll get programs like the Special Olympics.
We all are first inclined to advocate for what we understand best whether we are gay, Muslim, Hispanic, or the sibling of a mentally disabled person.
So, I would say, what we need if we are ever are to expose U.S. Government Gang Stalking – http://www.StopGangStalkingPolice.com - is someone who has personally experienced COINTELPRO-like abuses. Bar that – this is likely to continue for another decade. Especially, if a lot of the commentators on Fox have relatives who were with the Police. Then you get a lot of coverage of Police issues, but not nearly as many stories about Civil Liberties abuses by them.
When you understand how Egocentric we all are, if you want to be fair, you make sure you have diversity in political leaders, diversity in the Mainstream Media – so all issues are covered.